The Newport Beach Police Department Retirees Association, Inc. was founded in 2003. NBPDRA exists to represent retirees as a unified group to protect and lobby for retiree benefits and to provide a vehicle through which we can maintain contact. We have approximately 137 members all over the country. We maintain the only database on over 260 former NBPD employees. All NBPD retirees, sworn and civilian, are encouraged to join us. NBPDRA holds monthly buffet breakfast meetings in Newport Beach. To contact us, please email: [email protected] 

This website is owned and operated by the Newport Beach Police Department Retirees Association, Inc. Full website access is restricted to NBPDRA members.


The Newport Beach Retiree's Association, a nonprofit organization as of October 12, 2005, with the ID number 87-0754723, exists to represent retirees as a unified group, protect retiree benefits, and provide a vehicle through which we can maintain contact with each other. We currently have approximately 136 members living all over the US and in a foreign country. With our dues that are collected, the NBPDRA has donated over $20,000 to assist members and NBPD employees dealing with personal emergencies (total loss house fire and medical situations), to NBPD Baker to Vegas relays, to needy USMC families at Camp Pendleton at Christmas, to benefit the NBPD Explorer Program, to fallen officers’ families nationwide, and more.

Connecting Retired Police Officers in Newport Beach, CA

This website is owned and operated by the Newport Beach Police Department Retirees Association, Inc. Full website access is restricted to NBPDRA members. To contact us, please email [email protected].